Soluções em Tecnologia e Informática

Oferecemos serviços de computadores, servidores e redes para sua empresa.

Serviços de Icloud

Armazenamento seguro e acessível para sua empresa.

Redes e Conectividade

Inteligência Artificial Avançada

Suporte Técnico
Consultoria Especializada

Sobre Nós

Na Tecnologia e Informática, oferecemos soluções em computadores, servidores, iCloud, provedores, redes e inteligência artificial para impulsionar seu negócio.

A digital illustration of a network diagram featuring interconnected servers, laptops, and nodes. The nodes are organized in a grid form and connected by glowing lines, centered around a power symbol. Various symbols are present on the servers.
A digital illustration of a network diagram featuring interconnected servers, laptops, and nodes. The nodes are organized in a grid form and connected by glowing lines, centered around a power symbol. Various symbols are present on the servers.
A cloud-shaped object with server racks is connected via cables to a computer monitor. The setup is surrounded by several black squares on a blue background, evoking concepts of cloud computing and data networks.
A cloud-shaped object with server racks is connected via cables to a computer monitor. The setup is surrounded by several black squares on a blue background, evoking concepts of cloud computing and data networks.
A computer lab with several rows of black desktop computers placed on tables, each connected with various cables. The room has a blue carpet and the walls have bulletin boards with posters. The arrangement suggests a classroom or training environment.
A computer lab with several rows of black desktop computers placed on tables, each connected with various cables. The room has a blue carpet and the walls have bulletin boards with posters. The arrangement suggests a classroom or training environment.

Nossa Missão

Comprometemo-nos a fornecer tecnologia de ponta e suporte excepcional, garantindo que sua empresa esteja sempre à frente no mundo digital.

Serviços de Tecnologia

Oferecemos soluções em informática, servidores, redes e inteligência artificial para seu negócio.

A dimly lit server rack filled with network equipment. Multiple colored cables, predominantly red, blue, and black, are neatly organized and connected to various devices such as switches and routers. Small LED lights on the equipment indicate active connections.
A dimly lit server rack filled with network equipment. Multiple colored cables, predominantly red, blue, and black, are neatly organized and connected to various devices such as switches and routers. Small LED lights on the equipment indicate active connections.
Soluções em Computadores

Desenvolvemos e mantemos sistemas de computação para otimizar seu desempenho empresarial.

Serviços de Icloud

Gerenciamos suas necessidades de armazenamento e segurança na nuvem com eficiência.

Redes e Provedores

Implementamos e gerenciamos redes para garantir conectividade e suporte contínuo ao seu negócio.

A tecnologia e informática transformaram nosso negócio. A equipe é incrível e sempre pronta para ajudar com servidores e redes. Recomendo a todos!

Carlos Silva

A close-up of a network switch or server rack with various colored Ethernet cables plugged into ports. The device features indicator lights, and the setting appears to be a technical or IT environment with several wires and cables.
A close-up of a network switch or server rack with various colored Ethernet cables plugged into ports. The device features indicator lights, and the setting appears to be a technical or IT environment with several wires and cables.


Galeria Tecnológica

Explore nossas soluções em tecnologia, informática e inovação digital.

A network server rack filled with neatly organized cables. There are numerous black and red ethernet cables bundled together using cable ties. A keyboard and computer are placed at the bottom of the rack, with various networking equipment above them, showing multiple ports and blinking green lights indicating active connections.
A network server rack filled with neatly organized cables. There are numerous black and red ethernet cables bundled together using cable ties. A keyboard and computer are placed at the bottom of the rack, with various networking equipment above them, showing multiple ports and blinking green lights indicating active connections.
A close-up view of a network server or data center with numerous cables and connections. Orange cables are neatly arranged in the foreground, while various ports and connectors are visible in the background.
A close-up view of a network server or data center with numerous cables and connections. Orange cables are neatly arranged in the foreground, while various ports and connectors are visible in the background.
A vintage typewriter holds a sheet of paper with the words 'EDGE COMPUTING' typed in bold letters. The typewriter sits on a rustic wooden surface, giving a retro yet modern technological feel.
A vintage typewriter holds a sheet of paper with the words 'EDGE COMPUTING' typed in bold letters. The typewriter sits on a rustic wooden surface, giving a retro yet modern technological feel.
A vintage typewriter is displaying a sheet of paper with the words 'EDGE COMPUTING' typed in bold letters. The typewriter features a dark green body and metal components, set against a soft white background.
A vintage typewriter is displaying a sheet of paper with the words 'EDGE COMPUTING' typed in bold letters. The typewriter features a dark green body and metal components, set against a soft white background.